Flights and trains

Flights and train tickets are not included in any of our set itineraries. The reason we do not include them automatically is that there are several different ways to reach Yamal. Different people prefer to arrive using different transport types:

  1. Daily flights from Moscow (3 hours), four flights a week from St Petersburg and flights from several other cities like Ekaterinburg and Tyumen.
  2. Twice weekly direct trains from Moscow (44 hours) or daily indirect trains (54 hours).
  3. Passenger ferries up the River Ob from the southern Siberian towns of Tyumen (3.5 days downstream or 5 days upstream) and Omsk (5 days downstream or 8 days upstream).

However, we are always happy to include train tickets, flights or ferry tickets in the trip price by special request. If you want them included, please let us know where you will be arriving from. We will provide you several of the most suitable options.

Whether you buy the tickets or your guide buys the tickets, we will always provide a transfer with an English-speaker from your Moscow hotel to the airport or the train station. This will be either your guide or, if your guide is meeting you upon arrival on Yamal, a driver with fluent English. They will help you with your bags and take you to the correct check-in counter or make sure you find the right train.

If you prefer to book everything yourself, we are happy to advise the best options. Skyscanner usually provides the most comprehensive list of flight routes to, from and within Russia at the best prices. RZD does the same for Russian rail journeys.